Results for 'Amir Amin Yazdi'

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  1. Collected Papers (on Neutrosophic Theory and Applications), Volume VII.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This seventh volume of Collected Papers includes 70 papers comprising 974 pages on (theoretic and applied) neutrosophics, written between 2013-2021 by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 122 co-authors from 22 countries: Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Abdel-Nasser Hussian, C. Alexander, Mumtaz Ali, Yaman Akbulut, Amir Abdullah, Amira S. Ashour, Assia Bakali, Kousik Bhattacharya, Kainat Bibi, R. N. Boyd, Ümit Budak, Lulu Cai, Cenap Özel, Chang Su Kim, Victor Christianto, Chunlai Du, Chunxin Bo, Rituparna Chutia, Cu Nguyen Giap, Dao (...)
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    Aramesh Dustdar and Theocracy | آرامش دوستدار و یزدان‌سالاری.Pouya Lotfi Yazdi - 2025 - Sociological Cultural Studies 15 (4):231-266.
    This article is the result of my doctoral dissertation. In this work, I (hereafter: the writer) consider Aramesh Dustdar's main thesis "Emtenae Tafakor" and give my interpretation of it, "Emtenae Tafakor" is the main content of Dustdar's view on faith and reason in the epistemology of religion. In addition, the writer moves to theocracy and argues that Aramesh Dustdar could not provide attainable ideas and arguments against theocracy in the social and political philosophy. Straightforwardly, the aforementioned claim has been based (...)
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    "He Is My Wife", Dissent, Veto Adoption.Pouya Lotfi Yazdi - 2024 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 34 (3):91-95.
    I argue against the queer adoption right of children and propose this contention via the Disrespectful Adoption Argument.
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  4. Eradicating Theocracy Philosophically.Pouya Lotfi Yazdi - manuscript
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  5. Is visual perception WEIRD? The Müller-Lyer illusion and the Cultural Byproduct Hypothesis.Dorsa Amir & Chaz Firestone - forthcoming - Psychological Review.
    A fundamental question in the psychological sciences is the degree to which culture shapes core cognitive processes — perhaps none more foundational than how we perceive the world around us. A dramatic and oft-cited “case study” of culture’s power in this regard is the Müller-Lyer illusion, which depicts two lines of equal length but with arrowheads pointing either inward or outward, creating the illusion that one line is longer than the other. According to a line of research stretching back over (...)
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  6. Schelling on the Unsayable.Amir Yaretzky - 2023 - Schelling-Studien 10:83-104.
    Schelling's philosophy can be seen as perpetrating the philosophical fallacy known as the Myth of the Given, in that it takes rational activity to be affected by an experience which is not conceptually mediated. This is supported by Schelling's repeated claim that there is an experience which is indescribable, and which forces us to silence. In the first part of the paper it will be shown how different readings of Schelling result in this fallacy. In the second and third parts (...)
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  7. Intention and Permissibility.Amir Saemi - 2009 - Ethical Perspectives 16 (1):81-101.
    There are two kinds of view in the literature concerning the relevance of intention to permissibility. While subjectivism assumes that an agent acts permissibly if he or she believes that the conduct is necessary for a moral purpose, for objectivism the de facto presence of an objective reason to justify one’s deeds is what matters. Recently, Scanlon and Hanser defend a moderate version of objectivism and subjectivism, respectively. Although I have a degree of sympathy toward both views, I will argue (...)
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  8. WIsdom and Governance (Hekmat va Hokumat).Mehdi Haeri Yazdi - 1994 - Londan: Shadi Press.
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  9. The Epistemology of Religious Diversity in Contemporary Philosophy of Religion.Amir Dastmalchian - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (3):298-308.
    Religious diversity is a key topic in contemporary philosophy of religion. One way religious diversity has been of interest to philosophers is in the epistemological questions it gives rise to. In other words, religious diversity has been seen to pose a challenge for religious belief. In this study four approaches to dealing with this challenge are discussed. These approaches correspond to four well-known philosophers of religion, namely, Richard Swinburne, Alvin Plantinga, William Alston, and John Hick. The study is concluded by (...)
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  10. Lessons for Religious Dialogue from a Philosophical Disagreement: Alston and Schellenberg on Religious Commitment.Amir Dastmalchian - 2017 - Bulletin of the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies 14:55-66.
    A disagreement between two philosophers, William Alston and J. L. Schellenberg, on the matter of religious commitment serves to exemplify an important difference between religious believers and religious sceptics. The disagreement occurs in the context of a discussion over the plausibility of Alston’s doxastic practice approach as applied to religious belief. I argue that a close reading of Alston and Schellenberg shows that they do not, despite what they may think, differ greatly from each other. I conclude by drawing some (...)
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  11. The Morally Difficult Notion of Heaven.Amir Saemi - 2018 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 92 (3):429-444.
    I will argue that Avicenna’s and Aquinas’s faith-based virtue ethics are crucially different from Aristotle’s virtue ethics, in that their ethics hinges on the theological notion of heaven, which is constitutively independent of the ethical life of the agent. As a result, their faith-based virtue ethics is objectionable. Moreover, I will also argue that the notion of heaven that Avicenna and Aquinas deploy in their moral philosophy is problematic; for it can rationally permit believers to commit morally horrendous actions. Finally, (...)
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  12. The Theory of Ideas in Schelling's Identity System: A Wittgensteinian Interpretation.Amir Yaretzky - 2024 - Review of Metaphysics 78 (2):277-300.
    This article offers an interpretation of Schelling's theory of ideas within his philosophy of identity, arguing that it should be understood as a theory of the intelligibility of being—that is, the capacity for the world to be meaningfully articulated in thought. By placing Schelling's ideas into dialogue with Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico -Philosophicus, the author aims to show how Schelling's philosophy might provide valuable insights for contemporary analytic interpretations of German idealism. Schelling's notion of ideas encompasses three key features: (1) they (...)
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    What the Tortoise Says about Statutory Interpretation: The Semantic Canons of Construction Do Not Tip the Balance.Amin Ebrahimi Afrouzi - 2022 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 42 (3): 869–892.
    Karl Llewellyn’s critique of the canons of statutory interpretation led to a decline in their use for several decades. His critique, however, faced sustained resistance from some corners of the academy and the judiciary. Although this resistance has had only a selective uptake, it animated a gradual revival of the canons and brought the state of scholarship to an impasse that is for the most part partisan. In this article, I examine the semantic canons from a deeper level and argue (...)
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    On Role-Reversible Judgments and Related Democratic Objections to AI Judges.Amin Ebrahimi Afrouzi - 2023 - Journal of Criminology and Criminal Law 114.
    In a recent article, Kiel Brennan-Marquez and Stephen E. Henderson argue that replacing human judges with AI would violate the role-reversibility ideal of democratic governance. Unlike human judges, they argue, AI judges are not reciprocally vulnerable to the process and effects of their own decisions. I argue that role-reversibility, though a formal ideal of democratic governance, is in the service of substantive ends that may be independently achieved under AI judges. Thus, although role-reversibility is necessary for democratic governance when human (...)
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    Proportionality and Purposiveness in Kant’s Highest Good.Amir Yaretzky - forthcoming - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy.
    The task of this paper is to offer an interpretation of Kant’s notion of proportionality between morality and happiness, which is fundamental to his conception of the highest good. Kant claims that the complete good of humans as both natural and rational beings is a proportionate relation between virtue and happiness. He takes this to mean that nature is purposively designed so it accords with morality, which is only possible in a divine world where God secures this responsiveness. The paper (...)
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  16. The Form of Practical Knowledge and Implicit Cognition: A Critique of Kantian Constitutivism.Amir Saemi - 2016 - Social Theory and Practice 42 (4):733-747.
    Moral realism faces two worries: How can we have knowledge of moral norms if they are independent of us, and why should we care about them if they are independent of rational activities they govern? Kantian constitutivism tackles both worries simultaneously by claiming that practical norms are constitutive principles of practical reason. In particular, on Stephen Engstrom’s account, willing involves making a practical judgment. To will well, and thus to have practical knowledge (i.e., knowledge of what is good), the content (...)
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  17. Analisis hasil studi nasional dan internasional.Amin Suyito - 2020 - BAHAN AJAR PERKULIAHAN 2020 (2):1-34.
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  18. Domination of European Culture in All Over The World.Md Ruhul Amin - 2019 - Journal of Responsible Innovation 5 (1):1-5.
    European colonialism is an extremely controversial affair in world history that is also discussed today. This paper explores the influence of these happenings as the world incorporates the culture of European in every step of life. Europe dominated almost the entire world and its people were leaders in science and technology. European languages, literature, and culture spread all over the globe. Decisions in Europe largely determined global events for centuries. The other continents did not approach European power until after WW1 (...)
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  19. Editorial: Projected interiorities or the production of subjectivity through spatial and performative means.Amir Djalali & Claudia Westermann - 2022 - Technoetic Arts 20 (3):159-165.
    Even those who consider themselves lucky to have escaped trauma, long-term illness and death, have experienced radical changes to their conception of life in its relation to public and private domains due to the COVID-19 pandemic. When public space turned into a dangerous realm, private interiors were assigned a new role and with these shifts, also new questions about the relation of interiority to any type of exteriority emerged. The first four contributions in this ‘Projected Interiorities’ issue of Technoetic Arts (...)
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  20. Hick’s Theory of Religion and the Traditional Islamic Narrative.Amir Dastmalchian - 2014 - Sophia 53 (1):131-144.
    This article considers the traditional Islamic narrative in the light of the theory of religion espoused by John Hick (1922–2012). We see how the Islamic narrative changes on a Hickean understanding of religion, particularly in the light of the ‘bottom-up’ approach and trans-personal conception of the religious ultimate that it espouses. Where the two readings of Islam appear to conflict, I suggest how they can be reconciled. I argue that if Hick’s theory is incompatible with Islamic belief, then this incompatibility (...)
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  21. Ultrarracionalismo.Ismael Crespo Amine & Jose Carlos Cañizares-Gaztelu - 2020 - [Salamanca]: Editorial Delirio. Edited by Cañizares Gaztelu & José Carlos.
    Los más diversos teóricos de la modernidad suelen presentar este período como un proceso continuo de desarrollo tecnológico y económico, progreso en las artes y las ciencias, expansión de la democracia y racionalización de las instituciones y las costumbres. Sin embargo, persisten las contradicciones del capitalismo, el colapso de la civilización es inminente y el Pueblo no vive ni ha vivido en la modernidad tal y como sus teóricos la describen. Esto es tanto más cierto en nuestro país, habitado por (...)
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  22. On My Border: Non-Academic Essays and Open Letters | در کناره‌ی من: نوشتارها و نامه‌هایِ سرگشاده‌ی نادانشیک.Pouya Lotfi Yazdi - unknown
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  23. Quarantine and Hygienic Practices about Combating Contagious Disease like COVID-19 and Islamic perspective.Junaid Amin - 2020 - JOURNAl OF CRITICAL REVIEWS 7 (13):3698-3705.
    The COVID -19 is one of the most contagious and fatal diseases known today, which had spread in communities very fast. This deadly virus affecting the lives of many people and causing fatalities. Besides the strong practice of praying and putting trust in Allah for the cure of disease, Islam also recommends taking medications and adopt sufficient precautions for the safety and well-being of the community. Before 1400 years ago, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) introduced the quarantining and (...)
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  24. Code-Switching in the University Level Students of Bangladesh: An Empirical Study.Md Ruhul Amin - 2020 - ANGLISTICUM Journal 9 (3):41-54.
    The motto of this research article is to present how Bangladeshi University students use the mixture of both English and Bengali language as their spoken language. It can be said undoubtedly that English is the vast spoken language in the whole world as well as spreading to a large extent. Bangladesh is not different from other countries as well as English has been taught every level an every medium of education here and in recent times it is seen that English (...)
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  25. The Role of Educational Technology in the ESL Classroom.Md Ruhhul Amin - 2019 - Global Journal of Archaeology and Anthropology 11 (1):1-11.
    The use of technology has become an important part of the learning process in and out of the class. Technology continues to grow in importance as a tool to help teachers facilitate language learning for their learners. This study focuses on the role of using new technologies in learning English as a second/foreign language. It discussed different attitudes which support English language learners to increase their learning skills through using technologies. In this paper, the researcher defined the term technology and (...)
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  26. Learning English Language in Home Environment: A Study.Md Ruhul Amin - 2018 - Angloamericanae Journal 3 (1):39-50.
    The study has been presented the role of home environment to learn English language particularly in Bangladesh. Parental as well as siblings role is very essential to grow the sense of learning and the learners can grow a great influence by it. Parents’ as well as siblings’ positive attitude, education and awareness according to individual requirements and needs are provided constant encouragement and support for the learners. Parents make the greatest difference to achievement through supporting their learning at home rather (...)
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  27. All and Nought.Amir Naseri - 2024 - Institue for Advance Studies on Consciousness (IASC) Press.
    "All-and-Nought" is the 2nd Edition of a series of books that study the nature of Reality and Being. The first edition of the book, "The Metaphysics of All-and-None", was published by Edwin Mellen Press in January 2022; since then the book has been under severe investigations and reviews by many scholars and pundits worldwide. The 2nd edition of the book contains the original text plus a foreword by Professor Richard Howells from King’s College London and some reports by Physicists, Biologists, (...)
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  28. The metaphysics of all-and-none: a synthesis of science, philosophy, and religion.Amir Naseri - 2021 - Lewiston, New York: The Edwin Mellen Press.
    All’n’None theory is the subject of a book titled “The Metaphysics of All-and-None a Synthesis of Science, Philosophy, and Religion” published by Edwin Mellen Press on Jan 2022 [1]. It is a new description of The reality in terms of Ontology, Epistemology, and Theology. Several independent blind reviews by different organizations and scholars on the book indicate that the theory is not only a new development in philosophy but also is a scientific theory with the capacity for experimental verification. All (...)
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  29. The teaching situation of the department of English in the universities of Bangladesh: a critical evaluation.Md Ruhul Amin - 2019 - LEKSIKA 13 (1):18-28.
    It has a long history of teaching English literature and language in this sub-continent. The European colonial rulers introduced this teaching with the motive of serving their own purpose, but paradoxically this teaching has benefited the people of this soil as well in many ways. From the very beginning, the English department of any college or university has been treated as one of the most prestigious departments that have produced the best citizens of this soil. But recently the teaching scenario (...)
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  30. Technologically scaffolded atypical cognition: the case of YouTube’s recommender system.Mark Alfano, Amir Ebrahimi Fard, J. Adam Carter, Peter Clutton & Colin Klein - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1):835-858.
    YouTube has been implicated in the transformation of users into extremists and conspiracy theorists. The alleged mechanism for this radicalizing process is YouTube’s recommender system, which is optimized to amplify and promote clips that users are likely to watch through to the end. YouTube optimizes for watch-through for economic reasons: people who watch a video through to the end are likely to then watch the next recommended video as well, which means that more advertisements can be served to them. This (...)
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  31. Socio-Economic Impacts of Co-operative Societies: An Empirical Study.Md Ruhul Amin & Mohammed Mahin Uddin - 2014 - SOCRATES 2 (JUNE 2014):179-193.
    Socio-Economic Impacts of Co-operative Societies: An Empirical Study -/- Author / Authors :Md. Ruhul Amin and Mohammed Mahin Uddin Page no.179-193 Discipline : Applied Economics/ Management/ Commerce Script/language : English/Roman Category : Research paper Keywords: Co-operative, Development, Society, Constrains, Constitution, Comilla.
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  32. Determinism is Critical to Physical Theories.Amir H. Ebrahimnezhad Amir H. Ebrahimnezhad - manuscript
    This essay delves into the multifaceted concept of determin-ism within the domain of physics, scrutinizing prevalent definitions and classifications. Navigating through the nuances of deterministic behavior, we distinguish it from colloquial interpretations of "non-deterministic." By examining determin-ism through the lenses of natural laws, weak determinism, and strong determinism, we unravel the intricate relationship between predictability and the underlying mathematical structures of the universe. Classical mechanics serves as an exemplar of deterministic principles, while statistical mechanics introduces complexities that challenge simplistic classifications. (...)
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  33. Michel Foucault’s Concept of ‘Critique’ and the Iranian Experience.Nasser Amin - 2022 - Islamic Perspective: Journal of the Islamic Studies and Humanities 27:47-64.
    This paper offers an interpretation and discussion of the later Foucault’s multifaceted concept of ‘critique’. It argues that critique for Foucault is composed of three main elements: the ‘spirit’ (though not all of the substance) of Kant’s understanding of the Enlightenment; the practice of parrhesia that emerged in Ancient Greece and became central to Christian subjectivity; and the transfigurative aesthetic experience of modernity that was most richly depicted by Baudelaire. In the second section, there is a discussion of Foucault’s view (...)
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  34. Nonprofit organizations and volunteer leadership development: A narrative review with implications for human resource development.Amin Alizadeh, Bhagyashree Barhate, Tamim Choudhury & Khalil Dirani - 2021 - International Journal of HRD Practice Policy and Research 5 (2):65-78.
    Despite the growing support for the importance of volunteer leadership development activities across nonprofit organizations, little is known about volunteer leadership development in the field of human resource development. This narrative literature review highlighted the main challenges in running a nonprofit organization, emphasized the value of volunteer leadership development, and stressed the important role of HRD to develop more capable and trained volunteers. Due to the shortage of skilled volunteers, special efforts are needed to concentrate on volunteers' development; proper guidance (...)
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  35. Shareholders' control rights, family ownership and the firm's leverage decisions.Qazi Awias Amin & Jia Liu - 2020 - International Review of Financial Analysis 72.
    We investigate the association between controlling shareholders' ownership (CS_Own) and firms' leverage decisions in the Singaporean context. We examine whether the impact of ownership concentration on leverage differs across excess and lower control. We report that shareholders with excess control prefer leverage financing for an optimal capital structure and focus on value maximisation rather using leverage as a tool of minority shareholders' expropriation. Our analysis shows that firms capital structure significantly influences by the coalition of shareholders particularly decisions about leverage (...)
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  36. Robert McKim, On Religious Diversity. [REVIEW]Amir Dastmalchian - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 7 (4):247--249.
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  37. Epistemology A Review on Knowledge.Amir H. Ebrahimnezhad Amir Hossein Ebrahimnezhad - manuscript
    In this draft I investigated epistemology briefly. The concerns of this draft was to have an introduction to epistemology for later researches leading to the boundaries of science and physics in specific.
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  38. Firms cash management, adjustment cost and its impact on firms’ speed of adjustment: a cross country analysis.Qazi Awais Amin & Tom Williamson - 2020 - Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 56.
    We investigate the firms’ specific attributes that determine the difference in speed of adjustment (SOA) towards the cash holdings target in the Scandinavian countries: Denmark, Norway and Sweden. We examine whether Scandinavian firms maintain an optimal level of cash holdings and determine if the active cash holdings management is associated with the firms’ higher SOA and lower adjustment costs. Our findings substantiate that a higher level of off-target cost induces professional managers to rebalance their cash level towards the optimal balance (...)
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  39. Intelligent Neurtosophic Diagnostic System for Cardiotcography data.Belal Amin, A. A. Salama, Mona G. Gafar & Khaled Mahfouz, - 2021 - Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2021:15-21.
    Cardiotocography data uncertainty is a critical task for the classification in biomedical field. Constructing good and efficient classifier via machine learning algorithms is necessary to help doctors in diagnosing the state of fetus heart rate. *e proposed neutrosophic diagnostic system is an Interval Neutrosophic Rough Neural Network framework based on the backpropagation algorithm. It benefits from the advantages of neutrosophic set theory not only to improve the performance of rough neural networks but also to achieve a better performance than the (...)
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    Visa A.J. Kurki, A Theory of Legal Personhood, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, 240 pp, hb £70.00. [REVIEW]Amin Ebrahimi Afrouzi - 2020 - Modern Law Review 83 (6):1354-1358.
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  41. Professor Joseph T. O’Connell: A remembrance.Amir Hussain - 2016 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 6 (1):19-20.
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  42. Enhancing Water Productivity of Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa) Under Centre Pivot Irrigation System.Amir Mustafa Abd Aldaim, Adam Bush Adam & Abdelmoneim Elamin Mohamed - 2018 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 2 (12):24-30.
    Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate water productivity of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) under centre pivot irrigation system. The experimental works were conducted at three centre pivot irrigation projects (Indian, Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development (AAAID) and Sedonix projects) located at Khartoum State during the period from April 2011 to April 2013. In each project, three irrigation systems were randomly selected for the study treatments. Crop water requirement was obtained using CROPWAT 8 computer model. The parameters (...)
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  43. MODEL OF SOUL IN THE SHADRIAN EPISTEME.Amir Faqihuddin Assafary - 2020 - International Journal of Asian Education (IJAE) 1 (1):9-14.
    Among critical concepts in Mulla Sadra's thought, which, of course, cannot be discussed separately between the parts. This is because the basic rules in philosophical discourse are universal traits that make it approached from various directions as a unified form of reality. One of Sadra's famous thoughts is the concept of the soul, which is related to the roots of his philosophical doctrine of being. The significance of the discussion of the soul by Mulla Sadra becomes increasingly crucial given the (...)
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  44. Department of Electrical Energy System Engineering, US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E), UET Peshawar, Pakistan.Amir Khan - 17/01/2021 - International Journal of Engineering Works 8 (01):1-7.
    In this paper comparative analysis of maximum power point tracking techniques has been conducted to achieve highest magnitude of power from photovoltaic array. The algorithms proposed in this paper for extracting peak output from photovoltaic array are Perturb and Observe, Incremental Conductance, and Fuzzy Logic Control. There are some limitations with conventional converters i.e. Buck-Boost converter. When the operating voltage exceeds normal voltage as the voltage becomes high, the conventional converters fail to carry high voltage and current. Apart from this (...)
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  45. Triangulation, incommensurability, and conditionalization.Ittay Nissan-Rozen & Amir Liron - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science.
    We present a new justification for methodological triangulation (MT), the practice of using different methods to support the same scientific claim. Unlike existing accounts, our account captures cases in which the different methods in question are associated with, and rely on, incommensurable theories. Using a nonstandard Bayesian model, we show that even in such cases, a commitment to the minimal form of epistemic conservatism, captured by the rigidity condition that stands at the basis of Jeffrey’s conditionalization, supports the practice of (...)
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  46. Is Mohism really li-promotionalism?Yun Wu & Amin Ebrahimi Afrouzi - 2021 - Asian Philosophy 31 (4):430-440.
    A longstanding orthodoxy holds that the Mohists regard the promotion of li (benefit, 利) as their ultimate normative criterion, meaning that they measure what is yi (just, 義) or buyi (unjust, 不義) depending on whether it maximizes li or not. This orthodoxy dates back at least to Joseph Edkins (1859), who saw Mozi as a utilitarian and an ally of Bentham. In this paper, we will argue that this orthodoxy should be reconsidered because it does not square with several passages (...)
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  47. Medical Ethics in Qiṣāṣ (Eye-for-an-Eye) Punishment: An Islamic View; an Examination of Acid Throwing.Hossein Dabbagh, Amir Alishahi Tabriz & Harold G. Koenig - 2016 - Journal of Religion and Health 55 (4):1426–1432.
    Physicians in Islamic countries might be requested to participate in the Islamic legal code of qiṣāṣ, in which the victim or family has the right to an eye-for-an-eye retaliation. Qiṣāṣ is only used as a punishment in the case of murder or intentional physical injury. In situations such as throwing acid, the national legal system of some Islamic countries asks for assistance from physicians, because the punishment should be identical to the crime. The perpetrator could not be punished without a (...)
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  48. Subclausal Local Contexts.Kyle H. Blumberg & Amir Anvari - forthcoming - Journal of Semantics.
    One of the central topics in semantic theory over the last few decades concerns the nature of local contexts. Recently, theorists have tried to develop general, non-stipulative accounts of local contexts (Schlenker, 2009; Ingason, 2016; Mandelkern & Romoli, 2017a). In this paper, we contribute to this literature by drawing attention to the local contexts of subclausal expressions. More specifically, we focus on the local contexts of quantificational determiners, e.g. `all', `both', etc. Our central tool for probing the local contexts of (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Review of The Quran and the Secular Mind: A Philosophy of Islam, Shabbir Akhtar, 2008. [REVIEW]Amir Dastmalchian - 2010 - Journal of Shi‘a Islamic Studies 3 (4):498-501.
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  50. (1 other version)Review of The Oxford Handbook of Religious Diversity ed. Chad Meister, 2011. [REVIEW]Amir Dastmalchian - 2012 - Religious Studies 48 (3):420-423.
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